Trio bailed after arrest for ‘insulting’ Chinese anthem at World Cup qualifier

Three people arrested for turning their backs and remaining seated during the Chinese national anthem at a 2026 World Cup Asian qualifier in Hong Kong were granted bail on Friday.

The incident happened at Hong Kong Stadium yesterday prior to Hong Kong’s home World Cup qualifier against Iran. Police said two men and a woman were arrested on suspicion of insulting China’s national anthem because they “turned their backs toward the pitch and did not stand for the playing of the national anthem”.

The trio, aged 18 to 31, were released on police bail this morning pending investigation. All three are required to report to the police in mid-July.

“The police emphasize that anyone who publicly and intentionally insults the national anthem is committing a crime. Upon conviction, they may face a penalty of a fine of up to HK$50,000 and imprisonment for up to three years,” according to a police statement.