Officials monitor virus mutations as cases rise nearby

The Health Bureau (SSM) is closely watching the mutations of influenza viruses and new coronaviruses due to a rise in cases in neighboring regions. Officials say the situation remains stable within the city.

Kuok Cheong U, the deputy director of the SSM and head of the public hospital, stated that Macau has not experienced any major flu or Covid-19 outbreaks.

“So far in Macau, we haven’t seen any major outbreaks. In terms of patients seeking treatment in emergency rooms or being hospitalized, the number is still stable,” Kuok said.

However, Kuok acknowledged the need to remain vigilant against the evolving viral landscape.

“As for seasonal flu, it should be more noticeable during the winter and spring. And in summer, the number recorded should be stable. But we are dealing with mutations of the influenza viruses and new coronaviruses. We are closely monitoring the spread of these.”

Kuok urged the public, particularly those preparing to travel abroad, to maintain good hygiene practices and get vaccinated. “If you are traveling abroad, I suggest wearing a mask on crowded public transport or in crowded public places. Everyone should encourage those around you to practice good hygiene and wash your hands frequently.”

Kuok’s comments came on the sidelines of the opening ceremony for the Cardiovascular Health Center at Kiang Wu Hospital, which aims to enhance its cardiovascular disease diagnosis and treatment capabilities, so as to better serve the community.