Ecotourism hotspot planned for South Lantau 

In a move to boost tourism and environmental conservation in South Lantau, the government proposes developing an “Eco-Recreation Corridor” in the region. The initiative aims to transform Cheung Sha, Shui Hau, Shek Pik, and Pui O into prime tourist and recreation destinations while strengthening visitor conservation awareness.

The plan calls for developing Cheung Sha into a recreation hub and establishing a landmark visitor center with dining, retail, and viewing facilities. The center will also host a variety of year-round activities and events, such as markets. Diverse water sports and recreation facilities, including activity centers, adventure water sports zones, leisure piers, and camping sites, will be added along the Cheung Sha beach. Rope adventure facilities, hiking chairlifts and high-quality resort accommodations could also be introduced at Cheung Sha’s hillside.

As for Shek Pik, the authorities intend to leverage the reservoirs and sea views to create facilities catering to those seeking tranquility, as well as cultural and historical enthusiasts. The concept of an “open-air museum” will be applied, with a heritage trail developed alongside the reservoirs.

In Shui Hau, the rich natural resources will be used to establish an education center promoting conservations, highlighting the area’s valuable sand dunes and horseshoe crabs, as well as traditional village culture.

In Pui O, a hiking trail will be constructed along the western side of Pui O Wan, enabling visitors to explore the forest ecology and admire the scenic views of the bays. Additionally, a high-quality campsite will be developed on the hillside, offering experiential learning opportunities about the local ecology.

According to baseline surveys conducted last year, the four rural areas attract an average of 2,700 visitors per day on weekends. Upon the completion of the eco-recreation facilities, the authorities anticipate a potential increase of 4,000 to 6,000 daily visitors on weekends.

To manage the influx and ensure a quality experience while safeguarding the ecological environment, the government plans to enhance land and water transportation connections and explore measures such as online reservations and real-time traffic and crowd monitoring.

The government has also indicated that some private sector entities have shown interest in participating in some of the projects, which could attract market creativity and resources and ultimately reduce the government’s financial burden.