Tik Chi-yuen voices support for revamp to ‘professionalize’ social workers board

Third Side chairman and social welfare constituency lawmaker Tik Chi-yuen has apologized for not responding to the recent controversial revamp of the Social Workers Registration Board and stressed he would support any proposals that help with the professional development of the sector.

His comments finally came on Wednesday after avoiding media inquiries on the subject for days as the Social Workers Registration (Amendment) Bill 2024 was tabled to the Legislative Council for first and second reading.

The bill was approved by the Executive Council last Tuesday and published in the government gazette last Friday.

Tik explained that he had been avoiding media questions because he wanted to hear more opinions from the social welfare sector first and listen to the concerns of the government and lawmakers.

He said it was more meaningful for him to be a listener at the time and stressed that he will proactively participate in the discussion stage.

He also pointed out that many agreed that the board didn’t promote professionalism of social workers in the past and supported the revamp proposal.

The government proposal increases the number of board members from 15 to 27, including eight elected and 17 appointed by the Chief Executive. The remaining two are the Director of Social Welfare and a public officer with a social worker registration.

Tik suggested increasing the number of registered social workers from five to six among the appointed members, adding one more recognized individual from a university or professional group.

He also suggested including at least two representatives of social services users among the appointed members and noted he will proactively convince the government to accept his recommendations.

Tik continued that the goal of the revamp is for the professionalism of social workers to be more recognized and to attract more new blood.

“If the proposal can help the social welfare sector develop more professionally, I will support it,” he said.